McGriff Family History

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Note: The image in the upper left corner is John McGriff's mark as it appears on a wedding agreement with Catherine Brakefield, January 2, 1782.

If you are a McGriff you are part of a unique family.

Based on the most current research, all the McGriff's in America can trace their roots back to a single ancestor, John McGriff, who may have been in Halifax County, Virginia as early as 1754.

With the help of many dedicated people we now can present a complete picture of a vibrant and truly American family whose stories, struggles and achievements provide an up close and personal view of history as it was actually experienced by our grandfathers and great grandfathers.

The story of John McGriff and his five sons is one of true pioneer spirit and is as facinating as any book or movie. They fought for their country in the Revolutionary War and survived to raise families whose descendents are now spread out over the entire United States.

This site is the culmanation of many, many years of research by many people. Over the coming weeks and months, a group of volunteers will be creating this central family resource by leveraging and exposing research that was collected through the work and commitment of at least two generations of geneologists.

Parker McGriff, Darke County, Ohio, 1816 - 1909 and great grandson Damon Wilson. Published in The Daily News ca. 1908.

We dedicate this McGriff Family Web Page to all those many McGriff descendants who over the years have freely contributed their knowledge and efforts which makes this web site possible today.

We especially recognize the early effort and dedication of the late Mr. Joseph Edward Hill Jr. (1904-1984) of Leesburg, Florida.

This website was originally created by Jack McGiff. Earlier this year, I discovered that the website was down and could no longer read Jack at his email address. I have done my best to re-create this website based on archive records. My connection to the McGriff family is my great grandmother, Sara McGriff, daughter of Samuel McGriff of Pennsylvania. If you have any informaton on Jack or the McGriff family, please contace me at